I am a daughter, a caring big sister and an admired role model.
I am a child of the North, with dreams as robust and wide as the Yukon sky.
I am beautiful, starting from the inside out.
I am an admirer of integrity & I value open mindedness.
I am a lover of children, friendships & penguins
I am an intuitive visionary that holds an incredible insight into life.
I am wise beyond my years, rising above circumstance to create a better tomorrow.
I am the architect of my life turning stumbling blocks into my stepping stones.
I am a believer of happiness starting from within and that self-esteem is one’s greatest treasure.
I am down-to-earth, tenacious & mature, finding ways to create roots even while growing in turbulent soil.
I am a great humanitarian & an eco-junkie, a guardian of our mother earth and her people.
I am a challenger of the status quo, staying true to myself and always doing what’s right.
I am determined & responsible, finding my way through challenges but never compromising my sincerity.
I am the definition of inner strength, striving to make each day better than the last.
I am a mighty voice of the future not a faint echo of the past.
I am Nikita.